The Vehicle Systems & Control Laboratory (VSCL) has multiple fully funded Ph.D. positions in Aerospace Engineering that are available in Spring 2022, focused on the following areas:
Human-in-the-Loop Artificial Intelligence, which includes integrating multiple human interaction modalities to learning algorithms such as reinforcement learning; learning from human demonstrations, interventions and/or evaluations; unsupervised and/or weakly supervised segmentation of task demonstrations; human-agent teaming and task hierarchy discovery on multi-agent scenarios; and others.
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Coordinated Autonomous Unmanned Air Systems (UAS), which includes learning algorithms such as deep reinforcement learning; policy optimization and policy gradient methods; target tracking from computer vision; multi-agent teaming; human-agent teaming, task hierarchy on multi-agent scenarios; and others.
U.S. citizenship is required for some positions, but not all of them.
More information and details for applying can be found here.